friendRN features

friendRN x Hello Postpartum

i became a first-time mom in January 2021. i have been a nurse for nearly ten years within neonatal and pediatric nursing, and yet, being a mother to my own newborn blurred all that i knew and highlighted all that i didn’t.

motherhood is less clinical, less black and white—it’s embracing the gray. i found myself like any new mom: googling endlessly at 3am and searching instagram pages for answers and validation in the way i was taking care of my baby. 

perhaps you’ve been there too?


friendRN x Babe by Hatch

we are five pediatric and neonatal nurses. we are also all pregnant for the first time. transitioning from pediatric to adult COVID ICU nurses, to supporting colleagues and staff, to the finding balance of being partners and moms to be has been a universal, humbling experience for all of us. we also have had very different pregnancy journeys--some met with surprise and shock and others with instant relief and gratitude. and yet, all with subtle ounces of fear outweighed by pounds of hope.

if you’re a new or expecting mom, this typically stressful time is likely even more overwhelming with a global pandemic going on around you. if you have questions about your infant’s health as it relates to COVID-19, this is a great opportunity to have them answered.


jennie mo, co-founder of union square play, is working to making life for parents, easier, more enjoyable, and more communal (even if it’s over WiFi).

approach is simple: to be with families day-by-day as these uncertain times continue. they want to empower parents, not overwhelm them with a hundred resources to wade through. so when you may be feeling isolated, stressed, or your little one is bouncing off the walls, know that you can come here daily and count on three things: one offline at-home activity, one children’s class video [live or pre-recorded], one online community event for parents.

please consider donating to their efforts below!